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Producer :. Mike Elliott. Previous IGN Movies. May 5, It's actually quite good. Once you get past the boobs and blasts, the movie falls apart. June 22, Future Movies UK. August 15, Resolution, color and audio quality may vary based on your device, browser and internet connection. John R. Taylor Father Barton as Father Barton. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Walter Weed is an unassuming desk jockey at the FBI when the Bureau uncovers a plot to assassinate him.

A team of degenerate, psychotic assassins dispatched by mystery man Hal Leuco to win a huge bounty includes a resourceful beauty who has a unique method of killing her prey, a power-tool wielding psychopath and a deadly master of disguise. Action Comedy Crime Thriller. Rated R for bloody violence and language. Did you know Edit. Trivia Lester Tremor says that he looks "like that dude, the one in Platoon , he's in Sniper ". That "dude" is Tom Berenger , who plays Walter Weed in this film.

Goofs When Tom Berenger 's character is explaining the number significance of playing cards he states that there are: 4 suits for the seasons, 52 cards for the weeks in a year, and "pips" for the days in the year. Actually, in the deck he is playing with pips in two corners only has pips, and other decks pips in 4 corners have as many as User reviews 68 Review.

Top review. Meaningless action. Good but not as great as the first one. Vinnie Jones is as always a crazy bad-ass, an other old-school bad-ass in this movie is Tom Berenger from The Substitute, this movies sex-appeal comes from the two beautiful girls; Autumn Reeser aka Kaitlin 'AK' Tremor and Martha Higareda that both acted good. The movie is about Walter Weed who's getting hunted down by a bunch of assassins.

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Romantic Evening Sex All Themes. Articles Features Interviews Lists. Streams Videos All Posts. My Profile. Advanced Search. Track Listing. First Warning. Liam Howlett. Big White Cloud. John Cale. Ace of Spades. Down on the Street. Play Your Cards Right.


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